A simple Borderlands 3 glitch causes Moxxi's slot machines to pay out 10x cash, making them a very easy farm for legendary weapons and mods. By William Parks Oct 08, 2019 There are many ways to.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Shields
Like any Borderlands game – it’s all about the loot, and the Legendary Weapons are the cream of the crop. Borderlands 3 features countless different Legendary Weapons that go above and beyond normal weapons with new styles, skins, and hidden effects.
Marksman Red Suit
- Recharge Delay: 2.3
- Recharge Rate: 461
- Deals a constant radiation damage per second to nearby enemies
- Grants 100% Radiation Resistance
- When shield is full, shots drain 30% shield for +20% Weapon Damage
- When shield is damaged, 20% on hit to drop a Power Charge that increases weapon damage by 10%
- Red Text: Warning: Containment failure.
This nifty shield will protect you from all forms of radiation damage – but your enemies won’t be so lucky. Anyone unfortunate enough to get close to you will suffer immense radiation damage, and you can use the opportunity to amp up your own shots whether your shield is full or damaged.
The Transformer
- Recharge Delay: 4.8
- Recharge Rate: 1,285
- Grants 100% Shock Resistance
- Coverts 100% of Shock Damage into shields
- 40% chance to absorb bullets, adding to your ammo count
- Red Text: There’s more than your eye can see.
This shield has a roundabout way of saying there’s more than meets your eye, and for good reason – The Transformer boasts total shock immunity, and will instead power your shields, as well absorbing some bullets into your own ammo.
More of this sort of thing:
Borderlands 3 has taken the franchise’s shooting and looting to new heights. With more than a billion unique gun variations and a myriad of boss battles, there has never been more treasure to pillage from the bandit-infested universe.
But with so many legendary rifles raining out of the corpses of fallen enemies, players will once again be faced with the age-old dilemma: Abandoning items to clear out their inventories to make room for rarer, newfound guns. Luckily, Borderlands 3 introduced the Lost Loot Vending Machine that ensures gamers will never suffer from loot-induced FOMO ever again.
The machine is located near the fast travel beacon towards the back of Sanctuary III. It’ll collect rare items (blue) or better that players have dropped, lost, or missed so they don’t have to load a save to reclaim their favorite weapon.
To top it off, the Lost Loot Vending Machine prioritizes the best loot so Borderlands 3 fans don’t have to sort through a pile of mediocre guns to find the one legendary they forgot to pick up. Redditor /u/Shnig1 posted a video of 13 legendary guns popping out of their Lost Loot machine. They went on to explain how they found the machine has always made sure to stockpile the cream of the crop, instead of simply unloading every single forgotten weapon.
“If your machine is full of say 10 blues and you drop a purple, one of the blues will get deleted in favor of the higher rarity item,” they wrote. “I had dropped 13 legendaries that I hadn’t picked up since last time I was in Sanctuary so my machine was full of them.”
The Lost Loot machine is a small but much needed addition to the Borderlands series. There have been countless “tragedy” stories of lost loot. Fans have tried to drop items for their friends only to have them glitch out and fall through the map. Slaying “Badass” enemies near cliffs and ledges have also resulted in rare items sliding off the map into oblivion.
Vault Line Slot Machine Bl3
Fans no long have to worry about losing a godly item because of one-off game bug or quirk thanks to Lost Loot machine.
Bl3 Red Rarity
Borderlands 3 is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It’ll be released on Google Stadia once that launches in November 2019.