World Of Warships How To Free Up A Slot

There’s a collaboration between Wargaming and a German language online magazine going on until January 1st 2018. You can get the following things:

Collaborazione tra WG e la rivista tedesca fino al primo gennaio 2018. Otterrete i seguenti bonus:

World Of Warships How To Free Up A Slot Machine

For those who play the Mighty MO a Premium Tier 9 Battleship you can buy with 750k free exp will be leaving the in game shop. Do not worry you still have time to get the ship, they say the ship will be removed for the shop in 2 months and/or when Patch Update 0.7.2 is released. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders.

1x port slot
20x Repair Team II
20x Damage Control Party II
20x Smoke Generator II
20x Camo Type 6 (+100% xp)
1x special flag:

(The consumables are already worth 1.350.000 credits)

How to get that stuff:

1. Go to

2. Select “Bonus-Code: World of Warships, Ausgabe Sondeheft 2” from the first dropdown (note: check that you did this, as the default option is invite code and the code in #3 doesn’t work with invite code, only with bonus code)

3. Enter the code F399733-6E82163-7644183

4. Enter your email

5. Get the code

6. Activate the code like any other via the WG website

Note: 1 code per account.

Come procedere:

1 andate su

2 selezionate dal menù a tendina “Bonus-Code: World of Warships, Ausgabe Sondeheft 2” (solo questo, il resto sono codici invito, non bonus)

3 inserite il codice F399733-6E82163-7644183

World Of Warships How To Free Up A Slot

World Of Warships How To Free Up A Sloth

4 utilizzate la vostra email

How To Free Up A Ship Slot In World Of Warships

5 premete il tasto per ottenere il codice

6 andate sulla vostra email, copiate e incollate il codice e riscattatelo sul portale.

World of Warships is for sure one of the most popular games available online. It's free to play but you need some cash to use premium options and additional artifacts. And for that purposes this article was written. But before you know all aspects connected with using a guide for free doubloons and additional premium, you should know basic features of the game. They are important and useful both for newbies and experienced players.

Playing World of Warships, you must focus on tactics. Without thinking, even having a lot of doubloons and premium isn't a help in your gameplay. The more that the gameplay is based on team's work so you must respect also other players, not only your possibilities and your own ship. Battles are based on fighting against other players (PvP) or against the AI (PvE) in three battle modes: Standard, Domination, and Epicenter.

What warships can you use playing the game? You can choose among several options of ships and navies, including projects that were planned but never put into production. Being a player, you start with lower tiers and your ships may be updated and modified and new levels unlocked. To do this, you need doubloons and the rest of modes are available in premium option. As usual, the more currency you have, the better. Some coins may be collected during battles and after completing campaigns, tasks and missions but some free doubloons always sound good for everybody. especially, if gratis coins are connected with the premium additionally.

Soon you'll get a guide to find out how to get some free doubloons and additional premium mode for World of Warships. Be patient, everything has its time.